Ethics Abbreviated

I figured Out the Ten Thousand Year Old Conundrum

Noah Ingram
2 min readOct 5, 2020
Photo by visuals on Unsplash

It is within the realm of decency not to root for the Covid-19 sickening Donald Trump. I have discovered, and perhaps solved, millennia of ethical torture by being just fine with this premise. I am Team COVID-19 in its battle with the Orange Man.

Let me be as clear as I can: if COVID-19 wiped out his family and the Republican leadership infected at the nomination ceremony for Amy Coney Barrett, I would be just fine. I would sleep soundly. I would throw a party and send out invites to any Trumpers I know.

I learned a long time ago it does not make you an ethical or superior person to be above the notion of wishing ill on an unequivocally terrible person and family. I do not mean I disagree with his politics, although I do. I mean from the moment he walked until right now, he has lied, bullied, sued, assaulted, and otherwise conned his way through life. He is an odious human. I cheer for his cheeseburgers and cokes to get his heart, if there is one there, to clog him up.

Sincerely, I understand this all sounds terrible. But these aren’t ordinary times. Nowadays, colleges have new majors around fact checking the Trumps. We cannot as a society pump them out fast enough to keep up with the nonsense.

So, here it is. Ethics solved. If the sum total of the biography of a person’s life shows him or her to be a relentless and active dickhead, it is ok to root for that person’s medical maladies to get the job done. I absolve you.

Now, was Mitch McConnell at that ceremony?



Noah Ingram
Noah Ingram

Written by Noah Ingram

Husband of one, father of one, special education teacher, student of history, sometime author, all day dreamer.

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